#MAX money when selling something D0043830 0002 80043830 0001 #level up to that act D005B618 0017 8005B618 0001 #Max Geil 80105F00 967F 80105F02 0098 #All Armor & Items 3010B685 0009 5000A402 0000 8010B686 0909 #Level 99 50001480 0000 8011401C 0063 #Max HP 50001480 03E7 8011402C 03E7 50001480 0000 8011402E 03E7 50001480 0000 80114032 03E7 #Max MP 50001480 0000 80114034 03E7 50001480 0000 80114036 03E7 50001480 0000 8011403A 03E7 #Enemy moribund When you move the cursor to enemies 80000C00 0001 80000C02 3404 80000C04 0026 80000C06 A664 80000C08 002E 80000C0A A664 80000C0C 0036 80000C0E A664 #The Debug menu Debug menu display in the SELECT, combat victory in the START Debug menu display in the SELECT + START: map screen, data loading screen 3010BDF6 0001