#Max MP 99999 8005D640 869F 8005D642 0001 #All fort passed Press START D007AB52 FFF7 8005D6D0 000F #99 of All kinds card 5000B402 0000 8006EEE0 6363 3006F048 0063 #Gallery mode ON 3006EED1 000B 3006EED8 000A #All illustrations in Gallery 8006EEB8 FFFF 8006EEBA FFFF 8006EEBC FFFF 8006EEBE 00C0 #All Card possession D0087BDC 0001 80087BE0 0032 D0087BDC 0001 80087BE2 3463 #The possession of up to nine same card to book one D008E128 0002 8008E12C 0009 #Change the number of cards that saw the contents in the book edited D008E100 0054 8008E104 0054 D008E100 0054 8008E106 A043 #Magic (money) increases each time you advance the frames D0084EE4 3068 80084EEC 1E00 80084EE4 3068 80084EEE 0800 80007800 0034 80007802 8043 80007804 0010 80007806 9450 80007808 1880 8000780A 0003 8000780C 8021 8000780E 0203 80007810 0010 80007812 A450 80007814 1883 80007816 0003 80007818 8006 8000781A 3C10 8000781C 0000 8000781E 3610 80007820 13BC 80007822 0802 #The two dice always 2 D00A9B24 0016 800A9B28 0016 #I can see all Gallery D0025D6C 1024 80025D6C 1025 #Magic increases only magic fraction was used D0082B30 0010 80082B38 1021 D0082CA8 0010 80082CB0 1021 D00ABA14 0010 800ABA1C 1021