#Infinite Lives Player 1 80142DAA 0007 #Infinite Lives Player 2 80142E2A 0007 #Inf. Special Attacks (P1) 80124156 0010 #Inf. Special Attacks (P2) 80126E56 0010 #Player 1 is Invincible 30123C56 00C0 #Press R2 to Change Character In-Game (P1) E0142C04 0002 80142DA8 0001 #Press R2 to Change Character In-Game (P2) E0142C0C 0002 80142E28 0001 #Unlock Extras C1000000 0000 80142C3A 0001 #Use Konami Code Endlessly (P1) 80142C40 0001 #Use Konami Code Endlessly (P2) 80142C42 0001 #Mission Perfect 80142F20 0331