#P1 Can't Die 80061114 0000 #P1 Max Points D0061158 0000 80061158 0FFF #P1's Car Jumps 80061052 0000 #P2 Can't Die 800614CC 0000 #P2 Max Points D0061510 0000 80061510 0FFF #Enable All 50001802 0000 80053894 0000 50000304 0000 8005ED58 0000 #Turbo Boost P1 80060FE0 9160 #Turbo Boost P2 80061398 9160 #Damagecount On 99 P1 (Press Select. In some modes it's better to be able to get damaged. Use this one be stay in the game) D005F790 0001 30061115 0000 #Damagecount On 99 P2 (Press Select. In some modes it's better to be able to get damaged. Use this one be stay in the game) D005F794 0001 300614CD 0000