#Practice All 301E219C 0008 #Challenge Mode BATTLE OF GUITARISTS Score 999 801E25E0 03E7 #(I always win) wins score of 0 RIFF1 801E2670 0000 #Winning score of 0 RIFF2 801E2674 0000 #Easy Scoring 801E2670 0000 801E2674 0000 #Max Gauge 801E1734 0019 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 1 801E14A4 0001 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 2 801E14A4 0002 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 3 801E14A4 0003 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 4 801E14A4 0004 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 5 801E14A4 0005 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 6 801E14A4 0006 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 7 801E14A4 0007 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 8 801E14A4 0008 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 9 801E14A4 0009 #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 10 801E14A4 000A #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 11 801E14A4 000B #The degree of advance of the scene Scene 12 801E14A4 000C #GUITAR RACK 301E1188 0001 301E118C 0001 301E1190 0001