#Max Gold 800B995C 967F 800B995E 0098 #Tickets MAX 300B993C 0063 #Stardust number MAX 300B9964 0063 #1 Fight For Max Gold 800BB620 FFFF #1 Fight For Max Exp. 800BB65C 423F 800BB65E 000F #Play Time 00:00 800B9968 0000 800B996A 0000 #Save Anywhere 30059068 0001 #Dragoon MAX level after one battle D010B7D4 7001 8010B7D8 0001 #Experience value MAX in combat once D010B5F0 423E 8010B5F8 0001 #MAX level in the implementation of Adishonaru once D00CBEF8 0002 800CBEF8 0001 #No Random Battles D00E23F0 5808 800E23F2 AC20 D00E3E74 5808 800E3E76 AC80 #Have all weapons 800B9AAC 009E 300B9B4E 00FF 50009B01 0001 300B9AB0 0000 #Enemies weakened beat with a single blow almost. D00EDD00 0028 800EDD1C 0001 D00EDD00 0028 800EDD1E 2408 D00EDD00 0028 800ED022 A4A8 D00EDD00 0028 800EDD2E A4A8 D00EDD00 0028 800EDD3A A4A8 D00EDD00 0028 800EDD46 A4A8 D00EDD00 0028 800EDD56 A4A8 #SP500 at the start of battle D00F2FFC 0007 800F300C 0001 D00F2FFC 0007 800F2FFC 0001 #All characters can be selected Save data and Turn OFF code 800B9954 0008 800B9956 0000 800B9958 0001 800B995A 0000 300B9CA8 0003 300B9CD4 0003 300B9D00 0003 300B9D2C 0003 300B9C7C 0003 300B9C50 0003