#Infinite Energy P1 Worm 1 8014A54C 0064 #Infinite Energy P1 Worm 2 8014A5F8 0064 #Infinite Energy P1 Worm 3 8014A6A4 0064 #Infinite Energy P1 Worm 4 8014A750 0064 #Infinite Turn Timer 8014B7FC 0E11 #Random Movie Player.Press the Select button as soon as the game is on and enjoy while it plays different movies in the game. D0079EB4 0100 8007A074 0001 #Always Your Turn D0079EB4 0002 8014B1EC 0001 #Infinite Airstrikes P1 (All Worms) 8014B1C8 0002 #Infinite Cluster Bombs P1 (All Worms) 8014B1AC 0005 #Infinite Dynamite P1 (All Worms) 8014B1C0 0001 #Infinite Teleport P1 (All Worms) 8014B1CC 0002