#Have 99999 points 80095598 869F 8009559A 0001 #Opponent 1 has 0 points 800955B8 0000 #Opponent 2 has 0 points 800955D8 0000 #Opponent 3 has 0 points 800955F8 0000 #Opponent In The Gaming Room And All Available Mah-Jongg Parlor 8002EA96 FFFF #Select Stage The first story, Hen OKERA (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0001 #Select Stage The second story,Dan Mahjong Hen BEE debauchery (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0002 #Select Stage The third story, Temple Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0003 #Select Stage The Fourth Partly cloudy GENROKUKONBI Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0004 #Select Stage The Fifth The secret membership Mahjong Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0005 #Select Stage The sixth The hen house (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0006 #Select Stage The Seventh Katsura Bar Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0007 #Select Stage The Eight Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0008 #Select Stage The Ninth Hen Cottage (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 0009 #Select Stage The final story, Hen firelight (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 000A #Select Stage Chidori Hen (works with a memory card save in the story mode) 30035FC0 000B