#Erika maximum HP .You must deactivate the code when you are attack and send it again when you need to restore the health 800809E4 0053 #Serge Character\Vit .You must deactivate the code when you are attack and send it again when you need to restore the health 8007D8E8 0063 8007D8F4 0063 #Main Character\Attack 8007D8F8 0063 8007D8EC 0063 #Main Character\Def 8007D8F0 0063 8007D8FC 0063 #Main Character\Charge 8007D900 0063 #2P (Cpu) Hp 800808F8 0063 80080A28 0063 #2P(Cpu) Atack 2P (Cpu) Attack 800808FC 0063 80809A2C 0063 #2P(Cpu) Deffence 2P (Cpu) Deffence 80080900 0063 80080A30 0063 #2P(Cpu) Charge 2P (Cpu) Charge 80080904 0063 80080A34 0063 #All Special Cg Filled D0024E74 0012 3004ECB8 0001 D0024E74 0012 3004ECBC 0001 D0024E74 0012 3004ECC0 0001 D0024E74 0012 3004ECC4 0001 D0024E74 0012 3004ECC8 0001 D0024E74 0012 3004ECCC 0001 D0024E74 0012 3004ECD0 0001 D0024E74 0012 3004ECD4 0001