#No Stress 8004C9D4 0000 #Running 999 8004C9B4 03E7 #Strenght 999 8004C9B8 03E7 #Computer 999 8004C9BC 03E7 #Communications 999 8004C9C0 03E7 #Pilot Mecha 999 8004C9C4 03E7 #Virtual Reality 999 8004C9C8 03E7 #Flight Simulator 999 8004C9CC 03E7 #Gravity Simulator 999 8004C9D0 03E7 #Overall ranking 3004C992 0063 #Clear the number of events 3004C99D 0063 #POINTS 99 3004C99E 0063 #Bonus / voice actor interview Age 80046D58 0001 #Bonus / voice actor interview iodide 80046D58 0002 #Bonus / voice actor interview nautical miles 80046D58 0004 #Bonus / voice actor interview unbiased 80046D58 0008 #Bonus / voice actor interview Natsuno 80046D58 0010 #Bonus / voice actor interview Tomoe 80046D58 0020 #Bonus / voice actor interview Rico 80046D58 0040 #Bonus / voice actor interview Kaname 80046D58 0080 #Bonus / voice actor interview Narisawa 80046D58 0100 #Bonus / voice actor interview Sakaki 80046D58 0200 #Bonus / voice actor interview Ray 80046D58 04500 #Bonus / voice actor interview Sarai 80046D58 0800 #Sub character ending flag Narisawa 8004C8E0 0080 #Sub character ending flag Sakaki 8004C8E0 0100 #Sub character ending flag Ray 8004C8E0 0200 #Sub character ending flag Sarai 8004C8E0 0400