#Infinite Energy 800849D8 03E7 80091252 03E7 800FE300 03E7 800FEE30 03E7 #Maximum Energy 800849F8 03E7 8009125A 03E7 #Money and Ichi-ya Max 800912E4 E0FF 800912E6 05F5 #Enemy is less likely to appear 80009010 0000 80009012 0000 30091930 00FF #Stage 8009124A 0063 #Current body 80091252 03E7 #Maximum body 8009125A 03E7 #Heart Max 800912E8 FFFF 800912EA 7FFF #Card album fully open 8004295C 0001 #Art of pre-acquisition Skanda heaven 300918D8 0002 #Number of Oni that punish 80091958 FFFF 8009195A 7FFF