#Infinite HP Phobos in battle (main character) 800BDB6A 03E7 #Infinite & Max HP Phobos (main character) 80010762 03E7 80010764 03E7 #Infinite money (9999999) 8001001C 967F 8001001E 0098 #Infinite Mp D00BA77C 1023 800BA77E 0040 #Inf Item D00B5B5A 2442 800B5B58 0000 #Infinite Mp In Battle D002AF8A A466 8002AF88 0000 D002AF8A A466 8002AF8A 0000 #Infinite Combat D002AF62 A066 8002AF60 0000 D002AF62 A066 8002AF62 0000 #Items Not Decrease During Combat You have to have two units D0025EE0 1023 80025EE2 0060